VIRTUAL EVENT: SUN: Level Two – Understanding
September 24, 2022
10 AM – 5 PM
SUN: Level Two – Understanding Energy
Date: September 24, 2022
Time: 10 AM to 5 PM, CST
Gain control of your visual abilities through greater understanding of how seeing energy happens and how it works specifically for you. Jane Albright will guide you through various visual techniques to help you clear your intuitive screen for greater truth and clarity. You will further learn how to witness your energy alongside others in the relationship zone. Having these techniques will help create greater self-awareness, healthy boundaries, as well as protect you from empathic confusion. When we relate to others, sometimes we take on their energy. We wonder suddenly why we feel drained, stressed or distracted. We often believe that the energy is ours and we can actually suffer from someone else’s pain. This training will deepen the connection to yourself and help you gain insight when you are in the living moment of other people’s hard times and help you separate from them while still being present in a position of strength and support if you choose. Other benefits of these techniques include improved decision making and less stress when under pressure, especially when co-creating with others. This level offers a certificate of completion. Full certification of the SUN Program comes after completing all three levels (SEEING, UNDERSTANDING, NEUTRALITY). Regular FREE mentoring and practice sessions will be offered on an ongoing basis for all who have completed at least Level One training.
Pre-registration is required along with a minimum of 4 trainees for both in-person and Zoom trainings.